It is with great pleasure and excitement that the AgileSavant team welcomes Greig Fields to our ranks as an Enterprise Transformation Coach and Trainer. A True IT Unicorn throughout a multi-decade adventure, Greig has held technology and sales executive level positions in multiple Top 10 IT companies, coached and advised agile teams, led software development teams, written low level code for real time intelligence hardware, developed software in multiple languages from Assembler and C for device drivers, to Java, C++ and C# for Web and Cloud based applications. He has held chief technologist, chief architect and CTO roles in small and large IT firms.

Known for taking teams and organizations to the next level of their evolution, Greig has led software development and architecture teams, designed, developed, and sold enterprise-wide applications, won top salesman and Federal Industry awards throughout his illustrious career. He co-developed patented frameworks, trained and coached enterprises in the latest Agile frameworks, and developed quantitative algorithms to measure and track software development performance. He is adept at learning and adapting to innovative processes and programs, setting up and leading product development and management teams in efforts ranging from small feature delivery to enterprise portfolio epics.

AgileSavant’s Chief Transformation Coach & CEO, David Tilghman, says this about Mr. Fields:

Greig Fields was literally the most important mentor to me early in my career. He was the leader of the Systems Engineering group during my time at Hewlett-Packard Company (via the DEC and Compaq acquisitions—yes, I have known him for decades). I would not be who I am as a leader and practitioner of agile product development & management efforts that I am today were it not for his advocacy, leadership, and mentoring… Do not let the fancy leadership titles in his resume fool you. Greig Fields is an agile software engineer at heart and that is where his true passion lies... We are very lucky to have him as a part of our team.

Given Greig’s government background and passion for software engineering & architecture, he will initially be focusing on delivering the SAFe 5 for Architects (ARCH), Agile Software Engineering (ASE), SAFe 5 DevOps (SDP), SAFe 5 for Government (SGP), and SAFe 5 for Teams (SP)courses. Greig’s SAFe course listing is still a work in progress, but you can keep tabs on it HERE. In addition to delivering SAFe courses, Greig will also be providing leadership and coaching services to AgileSavant’s Business Agility Consulting customers and to our internal product development efforts. Welcome to AgileSavant Greig!


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